
Can Healthy Eating Really Impact Productivity at Work?

Can Healthy Eating Really Impact Productivity at Work?

Published: 29th August 2023

A healthy diet is a great way to boost productivity at work, but as an employer, you cannot be held responsible for the diets of those who work for you. However, providing some healthy choices at work can help to guide people in the right direction and give them a boost while they are at work.

There are now many studies that show how eating healthily can increase productivity at work, so in this article, we’ll show you some changes you can make to encourage healthy eating, and how vending machines can support these changes.

Provide healthy snacks

We all know that when we are hungry, it is difficult to think about anything else, and this can prove to be a problem at work. Being hungry acts as a significant distraction, and the amount of work that is being completed will go down as the hunger pangs take hold. Therefore, making sure there is food to hand such as a bowl of fruit can help keep people going until lunchtime.

Whilst there will always be a place for chocolate in our lives, we are more aware that the way in which we snack needs to change, and that is why vending machine culture is changing too. Instead of being a spot for fizzy drinks and bags of crisps, they now offer a huge range of options that combine health with the convenience that they have become so famous for. Vending machines can now be packed full of fruit, yoghurt, salads, soups and many other healthy foods that help your staff to make good choices for themselves.

Alternatives to caffeine energy boosts

Everyone has experienced that lull in the middle of the morning or a couple of hours after lunch. We can start to feel tired and lack a bit of motivation. This is often because the energy levels that were given to us by our breakfast or lunch have now depleted, and we are left struggling to get ourselves going.

Often, we can feel tempted to reach for a strong cup of coffee or a snack laden with sugar for an instant energy boost, but in reality, the healthier option might be the better one. It’s true that caffeine and sugar can give us an energy hit, but this is often short-lived, and usually closely followed by a crash.

Choosing something healthy such as fruit or nuts as an alternative can be a far better choice as it releases energy more slowly, keeping you sustained for a much longer period of time. This means that employees are able to be productive for longer, which works in everyone’s favour.

Encourage more water intake

The key to almost any wellness goal is hydration. It improves the way that both body and mind work, meaning that it can have an impact on both physical and mental wellness.

However, at work we can often become dehydrated thanks to the combination of dry atmospheres, work pressures and the call of the coffee pot. By offering better hydration options through water bottles in vending machines and water coolers, your staff can ensure that they remain properly hydrated all day, boost cognitive functions and productivity levels.

Create a positive company culture

We spend huge amounts of our lives at work, so it is important that we feel happy and comfortable whilst we are there in order to support our well-being. The culture of a company can have a big effect on this, and installing healthy, balanced vending machines can help to foster a healthier and more positive atmosphere in the workplace.

When employees feel as though they are being taken care of whilst they are at work, they will return the favour. They are often more motivated and productive, and they tend to be more loyal, meaning that staff retention rates improve.

Make it easy for employees to eat healthy

One of the biggest advantages that vending machines can bring is convenience. They are quick and easy to use, and most now accept contactless forms of payment. This means that employees can get their hands on the food or drink that they want in just a matter of minutes, meaning they waste less work time, or have the opportunity to make a proper use of their breaks.

This allows them to relax, reset their brains and build bonds with other staff members, leaving them refreshed and ready to return to work.

The convenience that vending machines can deliver should not be underestimated, as they can remove a lot of time pressures from the day, meaning that employees can feel a little less stressed and are better able to remain happy and positive at work.

Get in touch today

Want to learn more about our range of food and snack vending machines? Check out our available products and services. Any questions you may have, feel free to ask or get in touch on 01157 845 845, or drop us an email on sales@cemavending.co.uk.

man smiling in front of coffetek vitro table top coffee machine

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